Humanitarian Efforts
Humanitarian Efforts

Humanitarian Efforts

Dear Residents,

Happy New Year! I am Anand Narayanan, President of the University Apartments Community Council (UACC) 2007-08.

I hope you all had a nice break and have resumed classes. This semester the leaders of the UACC have adopted the theme ‘Change and Hope’. Let’s all change for good and hope for the best!!!

Let me take this opportunity to update you on some of the activities that occurred at University Apartments last semester. The UACC leaders conducted and co-sponsored monthly dinner meetings. At the meetings, we inform the residents of the various events organized at the community center. These meetings also help us to understand the needs of the residents, which is why it is important for residents to attend. In addition to raising awareness residents can voice their concerns and opinions. These suggestions and feed-backs help us serve you better. The next UACC meeting is February 25 at 6pm.

The UACC leaders share the responsibility of attending the Graduate Student Council (GSC) and meetings with Dr. Bresciani, Vice President for Student Affairs twice a month. GSC is a forum where we share and discuss information relevant to all graduate students. I am pleased to inform you that the UACC was one of the few organizations on campus to receive a ‘Perfect Attendance’ certificate for attending all the Graduate Student Council meetings in the Fall of 2007 Certificate (see below).

In keeping with the spirit of Thanksgiving, the UACC leaders organized a Clothing Drive in November of 2007. We collected clothes donated by residents and presented them in care of Twin City Mission to be donated to Phoebe Home, a Shelter for Battered Women and Children. I am pictured above with UACC Advisor Wandalyn McLean and the Twin City Mission Chief Executive Officer, Doug Wheaton. The administrators at Twin City Mission advised us how much the clothes were needed at that time and were extremely thankful for the donation. I thank all of you who made donation. Your donations helped make the clothing drive a huge success.

Finally, UACC leaders and residents had the opportunity to participate in Celebrate India Week. The Kick Off Activity included a Diwali Festival of Lights activity. Thank you for the wonderful participation that made this event a success. We will be celebrating Chinese Culture week and the African-American culture in February (see details in this newsletter). I invite you to take part in these programs.

Finally, I would like to thank our Advisor, Mrs. Wandalyn Shanklin Mclean, who coordinates and oversees all programs and guides us at every step.

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