Influential Leaders Of Aggieland Profiles On Life And Leadership
Influential Leaders Of Aggieland Profiles On Life And Leadership

Not many people can say their name literally translates to “happiness” or that they grew up in what is called “God’s own country,” but PhD student Anand Narayanan can attest to both. Still, who he is and where he came from are just building blocks to what he is doing to make A&M a better place. Anand- who’s picked up the nickname “Andy” in the States- was born and raised in Kerala, India speaking Malayalam.
“Growing up in Kerala has had a huge impact on me,” Anand says. Since it is a diverse and most literate state in the nation, he says that Kerala has always made him “respect and value education, cultural diversity, and traditions.” After securing highest marks in his master’s program in Mumbai, India, he decided to pursue his PhD somewhere he could receive a high quality education, be able to research
as a Senator in the student senate. He has also been a key organizer of several service and international operations. “While serving as President of University Apartments Community Council, I had the opportunity to represent over 1100 residents from 100+ countries” said Anand.
During that time, Anand organized multiple cultural affairs, such as an India and Chinese culture weeks as well as international potluck dinners during Thanksgiving and Christmas. Besides making a difference during tragedies by organizing collection drives and shelters for hurricane victims, Anand has made a lasting impression on incoming international students. With his work in the student senate and International Student Services (ISS), Anand represented the senate at the new international student welcome party. “
and teach, as well as experience a completely different culture. Interested in the ‘Aggie Spirit’ mentioned on the campus website, he applied for the program in the Department of Biology. As he was accepted to the program, he was also offered a Teaching Assistantship. “The opportunity to pursue research, teach undergraduates and the unique opportunity to become an Aggie made me come to Texas A&M,” Anand says with a sincere enthusiasm.
“I came to A&M with two suit cases and knew no one. As I plan to leave, I look back and see all the wonderful opportunities I had, events I was part of, the life lessons I learned, the true friends I made and- most of all I feel the Aggie Spirit.”
As Anand has found while fulfilling his roles as student, teacher, and researcher, being effective and efficient with time requires “careful planning and skillful execution.” However, after mastering the art of time management, Anand devotes his attention towards another passion of his: service.
With a goal to leave A&M a better place than when he arrived, Anand has worked toward his vision of highlighting and promoting the rich diversity on campus. “I have tried to be a role model by being actively involved in several student organizations,” Anand said, “and I want to see more international students become active as well.” Over the past years, Anand has served as President of two student organizations and
students. The letter essentially welcomes new international students and gives them an idea of the resources available for them in their new setting. Included inside is a testimonial, written by Anand, about his personal experiences at A&M. “I have always tried to create a welcoming environment for international students and help integrate them into the activities on campus,” shares Anand. From India to America, Anand’s cultural roots and passion to help others continues to drive him in the path of leadership and success. “I came to A&M with two suit cases and knew no one,” he said. “As I plan to leave, I look back and see all the wonderful opportunities I had, events I was part of, the life lessons I learned, the true friends I made and- most of all- I feel the Aggie Spirit.
Selected as an Influential Leader of Aggieland, Profiles on Life and Leadership Based on contributions and accomplishments
Not many people can say their name literally translates to “happiness” or that they grew up in what is called “God’s own coun- try,” but PhD student Anand Narayanan can attest to both. Still, who he is and where he came from are just building blocks to what he is doing to make A&M a better place.
Anand- who’s picked up the nickname “Andy” in the States- was born and raised in Kerala, India speaking Malayalam. “Grow- ing up in Kerala has had a huge impact on me,” Anand says. Since it is a diverse and well-educated nation, he says that Kerala has always made him “respect and value educa- tion, cultural diversity, and traditions.”
After securing highest marks in his master’s program in Mumbai, India, he decided to pursue his PhD somewhere he could receive a high-quality education, be able to research and teach, as well as ex- perience a completely different culture. In- terested in the ‘Aggie Spirit’ mentioned on the campus website, he applied for the program in the Department of Biology. As he was ac- cepted to the program, he was also offered a Teaching Assistantship. “The opportunity to pursue research, teach undergraduates and the unique opportunity to become an Aggie made me come to Texas A&M,” Anand says with a sincere enthusi- asm.
As Anand has found while fulfilling his roles as student, teacher, and researcher, be- ing effective and efficient with time requires “careful planning and skillful execution.” However, after mastering the art of time management, Anand devotes his attention towards another passion of his: service. With a goal to leave A&M a better place than when he arrived, Anand has worked toward his vision of highlighting and promoting the rich diversity on campus. “I have tried to be a role model by being actively involved in several student organizations,” Anand said, “and I want to see more international stu- dents become active as well.”
Over the past years, Anand has served as President of two student organizations and as a Senator in the student senate. He has also been a key organizer of several service and in- ternational operations. “While serving as Pres- ident of University Apartments Community Council, I had the opportunity to represent around 1,000 residents from over 60 coun- tries,” said Anand. During that time, Anand organized multiple cultural affairs, such as an India and Chinese culture weeks as well as in- ternational potluck dinners during Thanksgiv- ing and Christmas.
Besides making a difference during trag- edies by organizing collection drives and shel- ters for hurricane victims, Anand has made a lasting impression on incoming international students. With his work in the student sen- ate and International Student Services (ISS), Anand represented the senate at the new in- ternational student welcome party. “The party helped to create a welcoming envi- ronment for new i n t e r n a t i o n a l students,” says Anand, “and as- sisted them with their cultural, social, and aca- demic environ- ments.”
Also working with ISS, Anand collaborated with advisors to de- velop a welcome letter for incom- ing international students. The letter essentially welcomes new international students and gives them an idea of the resources available for them in their new setting. Included inside is a testimonial, writ- ten by Anand, about his personal experiences at A&M. “I have always tried to create a wel- coming environment for international students and help integrate them into the activities on campus,” shares Anand.
From India to America, Anand’s cultural roots and passion to help others continues to drive him in the path of leadership and success. “I came to A&M with two suit cases and knew no one,” he said. “As I plan to leave, I look back and see all the wonderful opportunities I had, events I was part of, the life lessons I learned, the true friends I made and- most of all- I feel the Aggie Spirit.”
Over the past years, Anand has served as President of two student organizations and as a Senator in the student senate. He has also been a key organizer of several service and in- ternational operations. “While serving as Pres- ident of University Apartments Community Council, I had the opportunity to represent around 1,000 residents from over 60 coun- tries,” said Anand. During that time, Anand organized multiple cultural affairs, such as an India and Chinese culture weeks as well as in- ternational potluck dinners during Thanksgiv- ing and Christmas.
Besides making a difference during trag- edies by organizing collection drives and shel- ters for hurricane victims, Anand has made a lasting impression on incoming international students. With his work in the student sen- ate and International Student Services (ISS), Anand represented the senate at the new in- ternational student welcome party. “The party helped to create a welcoming envi- ronment for new i n t e r n a t i o n a l students,” says Anand, “and as- sisted them with their cultural, social, and aca- demic environ- ments.”
Also working with ISS, Anand collaborated with advisors to de- velop a welcome letter for incom- ing international students. The letter essentially welcomes new international students and gives them an idea of the resources available for them in their new setting. Included inside is a testimonial, writ- ten by Anand, about his personal experiences at A&M. “I have always tried to create a wel- coming environment for international students and help integrate them into the activities on campus,” shares Anand.
From India to America, Anand’s cultural roots and passion to help others continues to drive him in the path of leadership and success. “I came to A&M with two suit cases and knew no one,” he said. “As I plan to leave, I look back and see all the wonderful opportunities I had, events I was part of, the life lessons I learned, the true friends I made and- most of all- I feel the Aggie Spirit.”